We made it to the mouth of the Siskyous and Cascades. Our place is still in process, with boxes all gone, but stuff is everywhere. Matt is enjoying school as I seem to be working everyday for my last job, and not much time to find a new one yet.
We went to a senoir concert series last night. It was extremely abstract and artsy, but the small play in it was awesome, it was 4 actors talking about things in life just being exactly what they are, and I never knew such simplicity of the word from mouth could impact so much. We felt like we were taken out of the theater and to another place, it was kool.
I need to take some pics still. Til Then........
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Paradise, Adventure, Entertainment. Yes! Our two week vaca was pretty nice. The hotels were at about 10% capacity and the town seemed very empty. Our first week we spent most of our time filled with activities. In the first two days we had done two, 75 minuite, which on time share time, means 3 hours, of presentations. Of course we didn't buy cause they are crazy expensive in Mexico. But we did get about 90% off all our activites for doing those stupid things.
So we started the second day with waverunners in the CABO bay, which was a little scarry for me, but Matt says they were too slow. Anyfaster and I think I would have flown off the thing. Then we made a trip to the local Walmart(which was nasty) but cheap to get food and water.
We eventually discovered City Mart and MEGA mart which are just like costco and clean!!
We eventually discovered City Mart and MEGA mart which are just like costco and clean!!
Most of the second week we hung out at the hotel and swam in the amazing pools. We did do an adventure day on Thursday. We took our rental car about 100miles north to Santiago. We were told about 9km past the zoo in Satiago is a great hot springs. So we drove 9km past the zoo on unpaved dirt roads and hit a three house town. We asked the locals, and they said sauna and pointed down a rickety dirt road. I guess we weren't the first tourists that has come thir way.
About twenty minutes in the guys used the jack to lift the car and put rocks under the wheels. We were going to live! So we ventured back to another one of the dirt roads we didn't turn down and found it. Well was it worth it... NO! but it was an adventure.
Would we go Back, Yes!