Friday, February 27, 2009

The New Couch!!

After years of sitting on the floor, or on our LoveSac (which if you're reading this JP, we still love!!) we finally bought a couch. Here it is. It's a sleeper too, so when/if you come and visit you won't have to sleep on the floor (or the sac). Unless you want!

Friday, February 13, 2009

More Snow...

All the snow had melted from the other night but when we woke up this morning this is what we saw. Here is the picture from the back of our house.

This is the picture from the front. Very pretty today. It's melting fast though so it's good I took these picture when i did!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Artic Blast 09

Alright, not exactly like '08 but what the heck. The Weather Channel says its going to snow for the next 10 days. I guess this is just the beginning!!

Old Town

Even though the town is only ten square feet there is an old part. Here is an old building with an original painting on the side from the early 1900's (Girl not included).