Matt and I walked by the new gallery about a month ago. We thought, "Just what Ashland needs; another art gallery." Not that we don't like the art galleries, but there is like 30 of them that always seem to have the same art showings and some have even closed down because of the poor economy.
This week Anna was visiting us in Ashland and we decided to walk into town and spend the afternoon cruising the strip. On our way back to my place we stumbled upon this same art gallery that was having a grand opening this weekend with an Origami theme. To my surprise the gallery is actually different then the others. They teach classes and they rent out lots of spaces to local artisit as studios to work in and to display and sell art. There is probably 25 different artisit and kinds of art!
Anyways, Anna and I walk in and they had classes all weekend. They were anywhere from $10-$30. We were talking to the lady at the front desk and she explained that someone donated money to pay for all of the classes that weekend, so they were free to anyone. EXCELLENT! I signed up for a box class for Saturday morning, and then I signed Matt and I up for a wet folding class Saturday afternoon.
Here are a few pics of our work! I think the box class was a better class for beginners and lots of fun. The teacher was a true art teacher , eccentric, which in my art experiences meant the class would be good and I met a few really neat people. The wet folding was for more advanced origamists, (not sure if that's a word), and there were a few of us not up to par. Matt and I did learn that the beauty of wet folding is that you can shape the paper to have more character and personal style. The same folded piece of origami becomes unique for each person depending on how you form it. Even though Matt was sick the whole time we had a great time!