A few weeks ago Mariana and her mom came down to Ashland to visit us. Mari's mom is visiting from Brazil for a month and wanted to see some of the sites in southern Oregon.
We spent on afternoon exploring Crater Lake and enjoying the majestic views of the lake from every angle you look at it! I haven't been since I was about ten and barely remember the trip, so it was really great to visit.
Of course we took a walk around our cute little town and stopped for the biggest one scoop ice cream cones ever at Zoey's!
It was so neat to have Mari bring her mom here. Since she couldn't speak English Mar translated between all of us, and we learned a bit of Portuguese. It was great to see them interact together and see just how much Mari is like her mom.
We all spent one morning shopping at the local Farmer's market for fresh produce. That evening Mari and her mom cooked us a delicious authentic Brazilian meal. I hope someday we get the chance to visit her in Rio and let her show us her hometown.
Go Olympics 2016 RIO~ It unfortunate other places didn't get this, but after chatting with Mari's mom, Rio needs it. She explained that it's a beautiful town of dance, culture, and history that is falling apart. The crime and bad reputation is causing the business and tourism to struggle. Understandably. The people are hoping that the event in their town will not only show the world what a great place it is to experience, help the city rebuild some of the economy, and push the government to enforce laws and safety to make Rio a better place. Will see.
Why is Jessica's cone empty?
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