First Friday is when all local galleries open to the public to exhibit art. Lauren and Nate came down to my studio/gallery on 1st Friday. It was great for them to see my new space and sign my guest book.
This pic is of me and Linnie. Linnie is a local artist I share my space with. We have great chemistry together and have already become friends. She has inspired me to explore art again. I have so many ideas and blank canvas's to fill. Maybe the blizzard in our living room will become a real piece of art!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
My Artist Studio and Gallery
Recently I have been exploring the artist in myself. I took the opportunity join the Ashland Art Center Community and now I have an artist studio/gallery downtown. It's only been a week, but I have a few pieces of work finished and many more in processes. It's a place for me to have an office workspace, interact with other artists, freelance and even sell art. 
lauren and nate visit!
This weekend we were lucky that Lauren and Nate came to visit us! We love it when company comes ~ since they made the trek down, we made sure to support their favorite team, the Blazers, by watching the game and rooting them on. It worked because they won.
I did make plans prior to Lauren visiting. She joined me early Saturday morning to helping my mom and her girl scout troop. We helped the community by assisting a local farmer load and deliver 19000 lbs. of pumpkins the the food bank. The pumpkins will be turned into food to feed local families. We were so silly and wore garbage bags around our feet so our pants and shoes stayed clean! We were definitely not photo shoot ready, but a took a few for the blog anyways!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Halloween 2009
Halloween 2009
This year Matt and I had to dress up. We found a geisha costume and Matt an Army outfit that were perfect! We spent the afternoon watching the town parade, which seemed to consist of everyone in the Rogue Valley willing to get dressed up on a Saturday afternoon to parade around in the streets of Ashland! By all means, it was entertaining!

Our favorite costume was the mobile ZOLTAR which dispensed candy to all that wanted a wish granted. We figured it was probably a guy that had a Segway and box. Very creative.
This year's pumpkins turned out to be (Matt) Jack the pumpkin king head, and (JJ) Mike Wazowski head from Monster's Inc. We were sad that the pumpkins seemed to lack seed this year. We barely roasted a bowl's worth, sniff. Although, I was so happy that a cute little trick-or-treater knew that my pumpkin was Mike Wazowski!
This year's pumpkins turned out to be (Matt) Jack the pumpkin king head, and (JJ) Mike Wazowski head from Monster's Inc. We were sad that the pumpkins seemed to lack seed this year. We barely roasted a bowl's worth, sniff. Although, I was so happy that a cute little trick-or-treater knew that my pumpkin was Mike Wazowski!