First Friday is when all local galleries open to the public to exhibit art. Lauren and Nate came down to my studio/gallery on 1st Friday. It was great for them to see my new space and sign my guest book.
This pic is of me and Linnie. Linnie is a local artist I share my space with. We have great chemistry together and have already become friends. She has inspired me to explore art again. I have so many ideas and blank canvas's to fill. Maybe the blizzard in our living room will become a real piece of art!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
My Artist Studio and Gallery
Recently I have been exploring the artist in myself. I took the opportunity join the Ashland Art Center Community and now I have an artist studio/gallery downtown. It's only been a week, but I have a few pieces of work finished and many more in processes. It's a place for me to have an office workspace, interact with other artists, freelance and even sell art. 
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