Tuesday, August 10, 2010
We made it to Denver!
Our drive to Colorado was 26 hours, 1400 miles and 4 days. Matt drove the giant U-haul pulling the Corolla and I drove the Nissan. It was a long slow drive but we made it safely. This was our first pic in Colorado and I almost missed the sign. But with some evasive maneuvers, I got it. We stopped in Fort OCllins to use the restrooms and it just happened to be a great visitors center too! We must have got 30 or 40 brochures and maps of Denver and Colorado. I even got an awesome free Colorado souviner hat!!!
Here is the first pic of the city!
This is a few days later at 16th street mall. I am playing one of the many pianos that line the street. It can be a great conversation piece or a great way for musical bums to become entertainers and make a little cash!
This is part of CU/UC Denver Campus!
Here's Matt sitting in the business center of the school, trying to get info for classes! So much prep!
This is the Student Union; Trivoli. Across the street is the Pepsi Center Field! Crazy!
We decided to stroll through the city after Matt got some things done for school. We walked from campus to the famous 16th street mall. What a fun street and I couldn't resist the chance to take a pic by this gigantic Pegasus.
And of course as we strolled through LoDo (known as Lower Downtown) we happen to stumble upon Coors Field which is home of the Rockies. Crazy! What you don't see adjacent to the Field is 2 bike cops clocking people coming off the ramp of the freeway and then walking in the middle of the road with their hand out to pull them over and nail them with a speeding ticket. We have heard cops here are not forgiving!
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