Here we see JJ standing against the Denver skyline. The park is pretty much right off the heart of Denver. Not a bad sight. The buildings are nice too.
While the baseball game is interesting, we all know why we go to the games. That's right, to eat. First thing I did when entering the park, was buy a bag of peanuts. I don't know what they put in those things, but they always taste better at the park. Maybe because I can just throw the shell on the ground. A culinary mystery for sure.
The game was a close one against the DiamondBacks. We were tied heading into the bottom of the ninth inning. Last batter up. One strike. Two strikes. The pitch, the swing, HIGH FLY BALL INTO THE OUTFIELD. GOING, GOING, GONE!! HOME RUN. Rockies win. 10 in a row. Good thing we were there. Probably would have lost without us.
Better believe peanuts and hot dogs/sausages taste better at the park. We all know that's the biggest reason we go.
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