Sunday, November 28, 2010
New Shoes
I got the gift of new boots! I thought I was cold weather prepared when we moved here but I was wrong. Even though it is sunny here most days the weather is extremely cold. Before my cold weather experiences consisted of most winter days being in the mid-40's and wet. Not here. When we have ventured out into the elements my feet have been so cold. Matt got new kicks to wear to school and keep him warm but I was out of luck until a nice gift was given to me. New Boots! I was so happy I cried.
I knew I wanted just the right combination of comfort and style for work and play. I easily found a great weatherproof cushioned black boot with fuzzy fur lining the tops perfect for playing outside. Then the search began for a nicer boot to wear with a dressier outfit and still keep my toes warm. I spent a lot of time roaming the department stores and trying on shoes. With the boot being a fashion style of this season I had so many options. But what was the perfect boot for me? With my crazy process of elimination and a great Black Friday sale at Macy's I found my perfect boot; shorter black boot with a zipper side to easily slip on and off my foot with a sturdy heel, a few inches lift to boost my height while saving the bottom of my pants, and a great overall contour fit. I have worn them both out and they are perfect indeed. Thank you!
You are quite brave to take those high heel boots out into the snow. I would slip and fall in a second. :) Enjoy the boots!
I love them both!
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