It has finally felt like summer weather during the day, in the high 90's. We took a trek north of Denver to Water World. We brought a picnic of food
and lots of sun block (lots because I was determined to not receive a severe sunburn again). We arrived just after the park opened and with this being the last week of all the rides open before the shorter hours and ride area shutting down soon, the park was packed!

The first ride we decided to try was The Journey to the Center of the Earth ride. We thought it had a large line but assumed it would move fast. Once we started to wait we realized this was going to take awhile. At least we were waiting in line under a roof providing some shade. Probably an hour thought the windy line and with regret since we didn't dip ourselves into any water yet, we finally made it to where people pick up their intertube to take to the top. We grabbed this giant tube adn started upa big hill. Little did we know there was a line of people with tubes sitting in the hot sun waiting in line to the top. Winding our way up about fourty five more minutes we eventually put our tube into the water and the adventure began. We were whisped into a cave that soon dropped into a windy twisted slide with echoing screams thoughout the ride. We hit the bottom and went through a series of areas with little falls and dinosuars growling amonst the mist. About 3-5 minutes and the ride popped us out at the bottom of the hill. It was alot of fun but we decided to stick to more individual rides with less wait. Although it was truly the coolest ride of the day!

The park is huge with sections for racing with inter tubes, giant slides, a Pirate area, a Big Top circus themed area, two huge wave pools, and more. We figured by the end of the day from open to about close we had only experienced about 20% of the park.

Here is matt getting taken over by a giant wave in the wave pool! I really like the stright down plummiting slide. It had the best view in the park high above the other water slides. And with the scare factor a 10, since it was the bigest and steepest ride in the park, the line was short and fast so it was great!!!

We had a great time and at the end of the day just my little cheeks and my shoulders endured the burn of the sun! At the end of the day we took a few laps in the Lazy River and headed out! There will be a next time, just not until next year! Overall a 10!
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