Sunday, September 18, 2011

Saturday Zoo Spectacular!

Since we both have the weekend off now, we have a little more opportunity to both get out and do something. So, yesterday we both decided to get outside since the this weather is just about to leave us for a long time. Where else to go, but the ZOO! Actually, I was just going to go to City Park (which within its property, contains either one or two 18 golf courses, the science musuem, and the Zoo) and walk around. However, it wsas decided we should go to the zoo.
It was a good experience. We saw about 90% of the animals and they were all pretty active.
Well, most of them were pretty active. Here we see some porcupines. These things were HUGE!! The were about the size of JJ. Well, almost.
They did just have zoo animals. They had an extensive collection of snakes and fish.
I know those New England folks know what they are. That's right, Horseshoe Crabs. They always were running all over the tanks.
Some birds. I don't recall what kind.
JJ, needed an ice cream cone, so here she is enjoying it.
We saw lions, tigers, and bears. And a cheeta, multiple dear like animals, tons of birds, monkeys and apes, lemars, seals, hippos, rhinos, wolves, heyenas, wild horses, etc., ect! Not a bad trip at all.


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